Collecting support is all we do and we give you the personalized, dedicated attention that your case deserves. Step 4. New York state residents who owe back child support may want to contact their local court to ensure they follow all necessary guidelines and complete all pertinent forms before they appear before a judge. Because support arrears don't accrue until there's an actual child support order in place, any parent who wants to collect past-due support. Quick Reference Guide for calling 1-877-NJKIDS1 Use this handy Reference Guide for quick navigation to the IVR (Interactive Voice Response). The obtained documents remain in your possession: you can always get back to them in the My Forms tab of your profile. To learn more about collecting child support, contact Erin at (301) 347-1261 or elkopelman@lerchearly. Moreover, the ex-husband was able to obtain relief from the date of filing his motion for disestablishment. Almost all our legal info can be sensitive, so protecting it is a wise decision. Either parent may make a motion or application to modify (reduce or increase) child support or arrears payments when the child support obligation for one child is terminated. Section 55. 00 a week until the $500. The law in the state of Georgia is that child support arrears may not be modified by the court or waived by the custodial parent. The law allows for child and/or medical support to continue up to age 23 if the dependent is still in high school; is attending full-time postsecondary education (college. New York State, much like other parts of the country, has its own set of laws concerning child support arrears. She can forgive what you owe her but not what you owe the state. Therefore, though she can agree to terminate your obligation. With US Legal Forms, locating a validated formal template for a specific scenario is as easy as it gets. 69. Support may continue beyond 19 due to. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Quickly find answers to your Child support arrears questions with the help of a local lawyer. $2,500. The caseworker might mail a paper form to you, but usually, they'll email it to you. You can always ask the court to recalculate this amount to make sure it is correct. A: You may qualify for a lump sum program where the State will agree to. Child support in arrears means a parent’s child support payments are overdue. the amount of child support arrears owed by Chris was. It is typically used for matters related to discovery and instructions. Call us at (888) 729-6661 or get started online right now! We don’t charge a. Parents can qualify for a yearly credit of up to $5,000 on their DSS debt. Age of majority in Georgia is 18. Parents can log in to check payments. I'm the non-custodial parent with the obligation of back child support. 00 per month to me in child support, which is due on or before the first of each month, as outlined by the terms of our finalized divorce agreement of April 1, 2013. A court order for child support establishes the monetary support order for your child(ren) as well as other orders for health insurance and child care. FD Application for Modification Kit. Accrual of interest; delinquent child and spousal support. Partly completed Order Regarding Payment Plan/Discharge of Arrears. Even if the non-custodial parent is willing to sign a voluntary agreement to pay child support, it must be approved by a court. New Jersey uses a. 71. Page 1 of 1 Child Support and Arrearage Guidelines Connecticut, along with all other states, is required to have child support guidelines which provide the basis for the establishment and modification of chlid support awards ( financial and medical ), based on family income and the number of children involved. The court appointed weekly amount is coming out of my paycheck, plus extra to lower the arrear amount. The debt will continue to exist long after the child has become an adult. Yes. Collect support payments on behalf of parents to whom support is owed, known as obligees. This also includes state interest for many years. If you received a letter from the Department of Revenue, you can contact them at oaa. Support orders entered after 7/1/92 may provide for the extension of child support to age 20, if the child is still in high school. I agree to the terms and conditions. There are three ways to get a court order for child support:All the services described on this site are available to you. Even if the non-custodial parent is willing to sign a voluntary agreement to pay child support, it must be approved by a court. This may take 2-3 weeks. Those who owe back. 00 per month in child support under a 30 October 2009 order. With US Legal Forms, locating a validated formal template for a specific scenario is as easy as it gets. If the order was signed before 1989 it's a 10 statute of limitations starting from when the last payment was delinquent. The state agency reports to the U. If you are having a persistent issue logging in, please chat with us or call us at (800) 252-8014. a child support or medical support order or to collect support payments can apply for child support enforcement services. The only portion that DOR may not forgive is any portion of the owed child support that was paid by the state. $1,500. Missouri Family Law. After receiving the "Notice of Child Support Obligation Termination" for his only child, there are remaining unpaid arrears. Interest shall accrue on delinquent child support at the rate of four percent and spousal support at the rate set forth in Section 56-8-4 NMSA 1978 in effect when the support payment becomes due and shall accrue from the date the support is delinquent until the date the support. If you would like more information, call the New Jersey Child Support Information Line, 1-877-NJKIDS1. Mississippi will take these actions to collect past-due child support: Legally ordering the parent to find a job if he or she does not have gainful employment. $0. Once the affidavit is signed, they should then make 3 copies and give a copy to all appropriate parties. Upon a substantial change in circumstances, either parent may file a Petition for Child Support Modification. State and local child support agencies implement policies to establish fatherhood, set realistic orders, collect payments, and reduce child support debt. If you cannot modify the back child support, request the court to set-up a payment schedule. 26 billion collected in FY 06/07; (3) Oversee property. Yes, but it requires a sign off by custodial parent B. C. 140. Here is how you get unassigned child support arrears waived or reduced: Get in Touch with Your Co-Parent – Start the process by contacting your co-parent and explain why. Life Insurance & Child Support Arrears. Click here for the NJ Child Support. 00, and her expenses for the children. Parents that still owe child support after the child turns 18, should continue to make child support payments. Box 30744. The NCP must pay his/her full child support obligation each month for a minimum of twelve (12) months before an agreement can be made. Call McClure Law Group Today. Answer: The only way to get a passport if you are in arrears of child support is to make acceptable arrangements for payment of the arrears. At the time of the 2009 order, his monthly gross income was $28,401. engage with the child support program. Avvo Rating: 7. 2 - Child support enforcement remedies (a) Available enforcement remedies shall include, but are not limited to: 1. There is still an arrears amount of close to $10,000 owed by me. The purpose of this report is to provide information about the underlying characteristics of child support arrears in the nation and in nine large states to help OCSE and state child support programs (also known as IV-D programs) improve their ability to manage arrears. Step 4. See full list on aronssolomon. of City of. The child support enforcement program has legislative authority to collect overdue child support ( arrears ) and to obtain medical coverage through a variety of administrative procedures. New Jersey Directives Dir. This could be done with your tax returns and paycheck slips. We have tools available to enforce child support and medical support orders. Interest on unpaid child support that is in arrears shall accrue from the date of the arrearage at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year; provided, that interest shall no longer accrue on or after April 17, 2017, unless the court makes a written finding that interest shall continue to accrue. [2] Termination Information for Non-Custodial Parents If there is an existing Judgment of Divorce (JOD), Property or Marital Settlement Agreement (PSA or MSA), or support order that specifies a termination and/or emancipation date other than the dependent's 19th birthday, that date is still valid and must be honored as long as it does not exceed the child’s 23rd birthday (with the exception of a. The rest would go to state interest and fees but I'd like to remove this completely. Texas Child Support Login. Each state and tribe manages cases and. Click here for the NJ Child Support. You . Therefore, though she can agree to terminate your obligation, child support can be can always be entered again so long as. If back child support is owed when the child support terminates, the non-custodial parent is still responsible for paying off the arrears and the order will still be enforced for the arrears. Find the Right Child Support Lawyer. Child Support Arrears Forgiveness. 143 - Arrears Payment Incentive Program (a) The Arrears Payment Incentive Program is a voluntary program administered by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), a Title IV-D agency, to promote payment by obligors who are delinquent in satisfying child support arrearages assigned to the Title IV-D agency under Texas Family Code § RSA 231. 00 in Child support arrears since 1999. Hire the right lawyer near your location. Double-check the amount the court states you are in arrears. I've had a long run with my son's father that has built up $48,876. This is called a judgment for child support. Who can ask for child support? A parent: Generally, when parents do not live together, they can ask the court for an order establishing a set amount for child support. Emancipation and Arrears. 10. Child support arrears owed to the government may be reduced if your child support case meets certain criteria. com. TANF Arrears Reduction (Clean Slate Program) The Clean Slate program is offered by Healthcare and Family Services, Division of Child Support Services. Petition for Child Support Arrears (Form 343) File this form if you have a current Child Support Order but you have not received payments as ordered by the Court over the past 90 days. Website. However, it is important to note that child support is the right of the child, not the parents. P. Kansas Child Support Services will adjust State Owed Arrears with $2. You should also give details about the payments, such as the amount and payment dates. By one estimate, 60 percent of child support program arrears are uncollectible. New Jersey Directives Dir. The caseworker might mail a paper form to you, but usually, they'll email it to you. Partial Forgiveness Calculator. Those with overdue child support payments are “in arrears. Direct Deposit Forms. "Obligor" means a person obligated to pay maintenance or support. There is still an arrears amount of close to $10,000 owed by me. 03. Step 4: Reference the original child support order and outline the case or order number. If you receive an updated order for. Ex-husband is in arrears of about $40,000 (court ordered child support for three children which hasn't been paid in years). Certain child support services are offered by private attorneys and the county Clerk of Superior Court. Once you have a case for child support services, the DOR can negotiate a payment agreement with your ex to collect child support arrears. Before any administrative procedure is begun, a notice is sent to the noncustodial. Mother’s monthly gross income was $3,927. Our oldest child is an adult and our other child has been adopted by the stepmom. It will provide current. $120. Double-check the amount the court states you are in arrears. With your assistance and cooperation, services may be provided to you for as long as child support payments are. If the Department of Revenue (child support enforcement) is the entity that has instituted the collection, call them. 8. New York State Child Support Services site provides information about how the amount of a child support payment is decided based on parents' income levels and other factors. Before any administrative procedure is begun, a notice is sent to the noncustodial. Finally, under s. Oklahoma Human Services, Child Support Services (CSS) takes appropriate action to collect support and secure compliance with support orders. When child support services closes a case that has nothing to. it will be recognized in that state. Stat. The Compromise of Arrears Program (COAP) is a program designed to help non-custodial parents, such as you, reduce your child support debt. Collect support payments on behalf of parents to whom support is owed, known as obligees. On the. Therefore, any non-custodial parent who owes more than $500 in child support arrears is subject to having their coronavirus stimulus check (also known as an Economic Impact Payment) intercepted and applied toward the arrears owed. This debt, called “arrears,” is owed to the government if your dependent children received public assistance (welfare) or were in foster care while you were not paying court-ordered child. Double-check the amount the court states you are in arrears. Therefore, the signNow web application is a must-have for completing and signing kansas child support arrears forgiveness on the go. 27. Enjoy the most extensive and straightforward-to-use legal paperwork service!Tennessee Department of Human Services James K. 70 (a) (8) of Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Request for Waiver or Compromise of . 00, and his monthly expenses were $16,282. If you would like more information, call the New Jersey Child Support Information Line, 1-877-NJKIDS1. Past support. O. Understanding Back Child Support in Georgia. With the limited facts you have given I cannot think of any possible way where your child support arrears would be forgiven or dismissed by the court in the state of California. Child support arrears can even continue past the age of majority, so the debt doesn’t necessarily go away when your child turns 18 or graduates high school. Most offices are open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The New Jersey Supreme Court has reiterated this as recently as 1997, when the court held that support belongs to the child and not the parent. Criminal nonsupport is a state jail felony punishable by up to two years and a maximum fine of $10,000. For purposes of ordering medical support under section 518A. One is the custodial parent (or the payee) - the one who lives with the. 9 II. You could be convicted of criminal nonsupport of a spouse or child. 17 of the Divorce Act, a payor parent can ask the court to forgive unpaid child support arrears based on a current and ongoing inability to pay, without a past. Passport agencies also check to see if an applicant owes child support through government agencies that report child support debts to the U. Make arrangements to pay your child support arrears with the appropriate state child support enforcement agency. This could be done with your tax returns and paycheck slips. This most often occurs when an obligor negotiates a buy-out– paying a lump sum up front in order to forgive some part of arrears. (6) Interest on arrearage. You can make an application to pay them back at a reasonable rate based upon your income, but there is no such thing as arrears forgiveness. You can always ask the court to recalculate this amount to make sure it is correct. Added criterion that total child support award exceeding 55% of obligor’s net income on any components of the award other than current support may also be grounds for deviation. If the ex is in agreement, then you just need to file a consent order erasing the arrears. Contact Information for the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS): New Castle County 302-577-7171. A parent can request a payment schedule from the court. We hope the information here will help you find your way along the child support road. Steps For Custody. 27. In TANF or Title IV-E foster care cases, checks can be intercepted if at least $150 in arrears is owed. $1,500. 6. By one estimate, 60 percent of child support program arrears are uncollectible. The collection and disbursement of child support payments is the responsibility of the Division of the Child Support Services. The child support agency will have a form for you to fill out if you meet the requirements for their debt reduction program. Family Court Support Magistrates cannot reduce the total amount of arrears owed, except in very narrow circumstances. Users are only authorized to view a case to which they are a party and utilize a. Get the proper form in a few easy steps: Enter the title of the document in the search area. (1) When a support order does not specify an effective date, a payment is due on the first day of the month. There might be something else they can do. That being said, there are sometimes ways to do things such as this if the parties consent. Dear Steven Jones, This letter serves as a formal reminder of your obligation to provide $625. Payments will have to continue to be made unless the court has stated. Avvo Rating: 10. Amount of Child Support Arrears Weekly Payment. We hope the information here will help you find your way along the child support road. S. Erin Kopelman is a family law attorney at Lerch, Early & Brewer in Bethesda, Maryland. Monthly Medical Bills from DHS-681 $ - Amount of state-owed arrears to forgive. § 228 (a) (1)). consideration the needs of the child or children subject to the child support order and the obligor's ability to pay. Subd. Pick the document format you want and download the Wisconsin Child Support Arrears Forgiveness Form With Two Points. A child support arrearage of $2,500. Florida Department of Revenue - The Florida Department of Revenue has three primary lines of business: (1) Administer tax law for 36 taxes and fees, processing nearly $37. To demonstrate this need, a parent must present financial proof. But now the child support agency reported me to the credit department and passport agency on the $10,000 arrears, which were just appointed to me after the court case. It is also referred to as “child support arrearage” or “arrears. Current as of: November 1, 2023. Although often times, a judge will include income withholding in the order automatically, you may want to. 11. Keep in mind: Child support is more than just money. The eldest child turned 18 in 2008 and the. help@oregon. The Oregon Child Support Program/ Division of Child Support does not have a formal program, but forgiveness is used in appropriate situations. Quick Reference Guide for calling 1-877-NJKIDS1 Use this handy Reference Guide for quick navigation to the IVR (Interactive Voice Response). You could be convicted of criminal nonsupport of a spouse or child. Moreover, the ex-husband was able to obtain relief from the date of filing his motion for disestablishment. Return To Menu. Child Support Arrearage Owed to the State of Ohio. There are three ways to get a court order for child support:All the services described on this site are available to you. Market Street. (14) WorksheetChild support arrears are past support payments that have not been paid. C. Child Support . Advertisement. $10 in arrears may also be added, making the payment $110. 695 and been disqualified from the program due to failure to comply with a forgiveness agreement unless the agency determines that the parent had good cause for the parent's noncompliance, as provided in 15 AAC 125. $120. There can be a money judgment which can be enforced in any manner that other money judgments are enforced, including attachment, levy, execution, or garnishment. Edit your child support arrears forgiveness letter online. The department's child support services shall have the authority to determine any arrears adjustment rates and to determine whether. Yes, if the child support order was entered on or after January 1, 1994, the court does not have to wait for the person ordered to pay child support to miss a payment before ordering income withholding 1 (also known as “assignment of wages”). 650 - 15 AAC 125. Thesethe child is an intended third party beneficiary of an agreement for support between the parents. Use the Cross or Check marks in the top toolbar to select your answers in the list boxes. Collecting support is all we do and we give you the personalized, dedicated attention that your case deserves. 1. If a family is not a public assistance recipient, mainly Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Medicaid, the arrears, once collected, are paid to the custodial parent (CP). Past support. Executive Order 13019 of September 1996, requires the Secretary of the Treasury to promptly develop and implement procedures. Login. Hire the right lawyer near your location. Reporting occurs when the arrears balance is greater than or equal to 60 days of current total combined support ordered amount (current monthly obligation plus monthly arrears payment). Proceed to select your subscription plan. People who have received assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, and Federally assisted Foster Care programs are automatically referred for child support enforcement services. 00on your case . If you think you qualify, contact your case manager or the DCSS Customer Service at 602-252-4045 or 1-800-882-4151. Provisions concerning income withholding are as follows: i. v. Back in 2011, Attorney James M. So, if you were owed child support arrears within the last twenty years and never. Wetherelt* the Alaska Supreme Court agreed with a lower court that once paternity was disestablished, future support obligations should end. Before any administrative procedure is begun, a notice is sent to the noncustodial. File a Motion to Establish Your Child Support. The costs would be several hundred dollars or so for the filing fee and, hopefully the fee would be contingent on collection. must have the specific amount of arrears due and the arrears 6 A Lawyers Guide to Child Support Services in New Jersey. To be eligible for the “Fresh Start” Arrears Management Program, a child support case must have over $1,000. Forgiveness of Child Support Arrears. If you need technical assistance viewing the payment summary, contact the Web Help & Application Management Help Desk at (629) 888-5870 or (888) 890-8183 Apps. (B) Procedures submitted by a child. Apply For Child Support & Estimate Payments Any individual can apply for all of the available child support services. Amount of Arrears Owed. Termination of Support – New Jersey law establishes 19 as the age when a child support and/or medical support obligation will end. a child support or medical support order or to collect support payments can apply for child support enforcement services. Forms. Virtual Appointment. To learn more about what assistance is available, you may contact these offices individually. In a. Overview Probation Child Support Enforcement helps ensure the welfare and safety of children, families and communities in New Jersey by working with both parents to collect. It is based on Section 51. In a contempt of court action, the non-paying parent has to show why there is. Interesting Questions. This unit is responsible for taking action when support is not being paid. The best practice is to reduce the arrear balance before child support termination. Your Income Tax Refund can be withheld for child support arrears. a. You will need this code (14670) when filling out a paper form at your payment location or when using the MoneyGram Kiosk. from the New Jersey Child Support Web site, njchildsupport. document. 340:25-5-140. ” (In re Marriage of Hubner (2004) 124. Father was required to pay $4,877. Alternatively, you and the father can enter into a written stipulation that the child support arrears are waived and the arrears are set to zero. If you receive a termination related notice or Civil Action Order – Termination of Support and your child is already emancipated with no arrears owed, it is most likely because. 00 Payment amount applied toward your support arrears = $200. An additional five percent can be withheld if the non-custodial parent is more than 12 weeks in arrears. Find the correct Child Support Arrears Forgiveness Missouri For Get on the list of results. Keep in mind: Child support is more than just money. It includes ordering any or several of the following: Increasing your child support order to include an amount to pay off the back child support owed (arrears) Requiring one or more lump sum paymentsAccording to California Code of Civil Procedure section 685. When child support is not paid pursuant to the Court Order, and no attempts are made to pay down the arrears. SECTION 2. Visit Obtaining Information about Your Case or contact the CSSD customer service team at (202) 442-9900 for more information about accessing CSSD services from anywhere!5. Missouri Back Child Support Laws. Any reduction in your arrears will be based on your income, assets and expenses. Child support arrears can build up quickly and take months or years to eliminate. Child Support Arrears Forgiveness Missouri Form. My husband currently owes arrears on his child support order for two children from a previous marriage. The program allows the permanent removal of past due child support debt owed to the State of Illinois in exchange for regular ordered payments of child support to the family. The Debt Reduction Program provides eligible parents with past-due child support payments the opportunity to reduce the amount they owe to the government. Quick steps to complete and e-sign Child Support Arrears Forgiveness Letter online: Use Get Form or simply click on the template preview to open it in the editor. Although child support arrears do accrue interest, one may not have to pay it all back in some cases. It is also referred to as “child support arrearage” or “arrears. C. . If a parent falls behind and misses a week of child support payments in New Jersey, the support payment due the week after will add on any overdue payments. In cases where the support obligor has been sentenced to a lengthy period of incarceration and has no assets, New Jersey transfers modification petitions to an inactive calendar pending the obligor’s release. If ordered after 1989, it's a 10 year statute of limitations starting when the youngest child is emancipated. New York Family Law. If the other parent qualifies for a payment plan for one type of arrears but not the other, the judge may grant only that part of the motion. Child Support Debt Reduction Program The Debt Reduction Program provides eligible parents with past-due child support payments the opportunity to reduce the amount they owe to the government. Posted in: Child Support, Child Support Arrearages and Child Support Arrears. # 323. Collectively, these states accounted for 39 percent of the country’s child support arrears in FY 2006. Find the Right Child Support Lawyer. Concern about the scope of arrears and the associated negative consequences has led to increasing interest in arrears-forgiveness policies. A violation of this law is a criminal misdemeanor, and convicted offender face fines and up to 6 months in prison (See 18 U. (7) has not previously enrolled in the arrears forgiveness program under 15 AAC 125. What is Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #3? Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #3 is a document used to request assistance from the child support enforcement agency. NJKiDS (New Jersey Kids Deserve Support) - NJKiDS is the New Jersey Child. All the services described on this site are available to you. Posted on Oct 3, 2011. Back Child Support Problems (“Arrears”) Under California law, the following Strategies may be available for dealing with Back Child Support/Arrears problems: Compromise of Arrears for Amounts owed to the County. (13) "Public assistance," means Ohio works first and aid to families with dependent children. 420 Child Support Payments. Sussex County 302-856-5386. You need to use either Form FL-150 or Form FL-155. 9 million to advance equity . Lynch discussed the fact that child support obligations never go away in Massachusetts. 143 - Arrears Payment Incentive Program (a) The Arrears Payment Incentive Program is a voluntary program administered by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), a Title IV-D agency, to promote payment by obligors who are delinquent in satisfying child support arrearages assigned to the Title IV-D agency. A. C. Our oldest child is an adult and our other child has been adopted by the stepmom. To re-download and fill out earlier purchased forms, open the My Forms tab in your profile. In Arizona, the state’s Division of Child Support Enforcement has offered a settlement program to non-custodial parents since 2009. This assessment determines the amount owed by the non-custodial parent based on court-ordered obligations, interest, and any penalties incurred. Many states allow the parties to receipt or “forgive” past due child support, including accrued arrears or interest. The Child Support Debt Reduction Program is a California program designed to help you reduce the child. To be eligible for this adjustment, the monthly current child support needs to be paid in full and at least $1. There might be something else they can do. 00 of arrears assigned to the State of New Mexico, and meet at least one of the following criteria: All dependents are emancipated. Erin Kopelman is a family law attorney at Lerch, Early & Brewer in Bethesda, Maryland. Get the proper form in a few easy steps: Enter the title of the document in the search area. Rather than stopping payments, therefore, a parent should try to work out an agreement with the recipient of the support. 2 Important Information about Child Support Services Services The Child Support Program will provide the child support services appropriate for your case pursuant to federal and New York State law, regulation, and policy. us or or 503-986-6322. Settling Child Support Arrears. The full set of NJ Child Support Guidelines is contained in Rule 5:6A of the New Jersey Court Rules. For lump sum withholding, the limit is 50% of disposable income, up to the arrears balance. Document Type: Form (other) Date Created: Tuesday, May 29, 2007. Amount of Arrears Owed. The payer now has physical custody of the child(ren), and payment of the full state-owed arrears amount would deprive the child(ren) of needed income and create a hardship for the family. New York State, much like other parts of the country, has its own set of laws concerning child support arrears. Keep in mind: Child support is more than just money. Family Law Attorney in Bradley Beach, NJ. 00 for every $1. $0. You cannot be charged with this unless. Subscribe to our library and prepare legal documents on your own like an. Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. 10. The program considers the family’s best interest and may satisfy all or any portion of child support arrears that are assigned to the State of Oregon or to any other jurisdiction if: The child support program will match payments you make towards your child support case and credit the same amount towards your arrears balance owed to the state. S. state. This form will list all general information about the parties’ finances and the children involved in the order and provide space to list. Waiver Letter for Child Support Arrears (Reentry Net) Organization: Reentry Net. 17 of the Divorce Act, a payor parent can ask the court to forgive unpaid child support arrears based on a current and ongoing inability to pay, without a past. Message. • Letter from parent payment child support for Child Support payments made outside of the NJ (New Jersey) Department of Human Services. 2. 00 towards Arrears is paid in the sameemotional support of their children. In Illinois child support cases before 1997, child support arrears were not forgiven when a child reached the age of majority, but there was a statute of limitations on child enforcement actions. It may also include information about who is responsible for health insurance for the child. The purpose of this report is to provide information about the underlying characteristics of child support arrears in the nation and in nine large states to help OCSE and state child support programs (also known as IV-D programs) improve their ability to manage arrears. NJ Child Support Handbook and Brochure. The current order is solely for collection of arrears (CSSD is not collecting ongoing child support). when child support stops due to an adult child. Administrative procedures can be put into action without going to court.